Sports & Leisure
Sports and Leisure Centres require a unique range of management skills, especially when managing a wide range of customers and a wide range of ages. A Cotel wireless communication system provides the confidence that all staff and first responders are in immediate contact to deal with whatever problem arises.
The Cotel solution enables all departments to communicate with each other, and if necessary, join resources to deal with a wide range of possible incidents. All members of staff can be equipped with a radio communications system, providing the features needed to increase efficiency and get in touch when it matters the most.
The Reception, First Aiders, Cleaning, Building/Grounds Maintenance, Gym Teams, Management and Pool Lifeguards all have immediate contact with each other and their respective departments. This enables the business to optimise their most expensive resource, their staff, in the most cost-effective way.
We offer a wide range of wireless communications solutions for customers within the Sports and Leisure industries, including Handheld Radios, Mobile Radio, Emergency Systems and more.
Please read below for more information...
We offer a wide range of reliable communications solutions for customers within the Sports and Leisure industries - Handheld Radios to be carried around by staff, Mobile Radios to be fixed in an office environment, and our "Cotel Emergency Transmit Point" which allows anyone to initiate an emergency broadcast incase of an injury or incident.
SiteMaster Hand Units are an ideal solution for most in the Sports industry - allowing all members of staff to be equipped with a portable radio, to communicate with staff at any time or raise concerns. All of our radio solutions are made bespoke to our customers' needs, with multiple channels, accessories and features available.
For more information on the radio solutions we offer, see the Analogue/Digital Radio page.
In the event of an on-site emergency, reliable communications are an essential requirement to ensure that any Health and Safety situation can be dealt with quickly and efficiently.
The easy-to-use Cotel Emergency Transmit Point (C.E.T.P) is the quickest and most efficient way to alert all management and first responders of an emergency situation, including Medical, Fire, Technical and other emergencies. By simply pressing the red button on the C.E.T.P, any member of staff can initiate an automated, clear and concise emergency voice message over the communications network, advising on the location of the incident. This simple operation ensures that anyone in the vicinity can raise the alarm, which will then be relayed to the nominated managers and first responders, allowing them to react to the situation.
Due to the simplicity of the hardware, the bespoke software and robust construction, the C.E.T.P is cost-effective to deploy and will seamlessly integrate into your existing communications network. The system can be configured with one or many transmit points, and the contents of the voice message can be tailored to the customer's individual requirements.
The system is very effective in a wide range of environments such as Mines and Quarries, Factories, Sports Centres, Schools, Colleges, Care Homes and many more.
If your business could benefit from an instant, reliable system to alert managers, first responders and staff, then the Cotel Emergency Transmit Point could be an ideal solution.
We offer a range of accessories for our SiteMaster Hand Units, including fist microphones, headsets, protective cases and more. Aquabags ensure that your SiteMaster Hand Units are protected from water contamination within the poolside areas.
See our Analogue/Digital Radio page for more information.
For a series of leaflets documenting our product range, see the Leaflets page.